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Cortical Neurons#
This tutorial demonstrates how to plot cortical neurons.
In this exercise we will visualize morphological data from "Integrated Morphoelectric and Transcriptomic Classification of Cortical GABAergic Cells" by Gouwens, Sorensen et al., Cell (2020). Specifically, we will re-create a plot similar to their Figure 4A.
For brevity, we will use some fixed cell IDs and properties from the dataset. These were taken from the 20200711_patchseq_metadata_mouse.csv
file provided alongside the supplementary material of the paper:
# The cell IDs we will use (it's the first 5 in the meta data file)
ids = [601506507, 601790961, 601803754, 601808698, 601810307]
# The normalized soma depths for these cells (also from the meta data file)
soma_depths = [0.36101451, 0.62182935, 0.16423996, 0.48303029, 0.2956563]
Part I: Loading and Aligning Neurons#
First we need to load the neurons. Here, we will take them straight from their FTP server but you can of course download them first and then load from disk!
import navis
nl = navis.read_swc(
limit=[f"{i}_transformed.swc" for i in ids], # Load only the files we need
fmt="{name,id:int}_transformed.swc", # Parse the name and id from the file name
To make our lives a bit easier, we will attach the soma depth to the neurons as metadata:
Next, we need to align the neurons according to their soma depth! The normalized cell_soma_normalized_depth
should map to a physical range of 0
to 922.5861720311
Let's demo with one neuron before we run this for all neurons:
# Grab one of the neurons
n = nl[0]
# This is the normalized soma depth:
print(f"Normalized soma depth: {n.cell_soma_normalized_depth}")
Normalized soma depth: 0.36101451
The physical soma depth is simply the normalized depth multiplied by the total depth of the cortex. Note that we're positioning from the bottom - i.e. 922.586 will be at the surface and 0 at the bottom! This is to make our lifes easier when it comes to plotting since the origin in matplotlib
figures is in the bottom left corner.
phys_y = (1 - n.cell_soma_normalized_depth) * 922.5861720311
print(f"Physical soma depth: {phys_y}")
# Current soma
print(f"Current soma coordinates: {n.soma_pos[0]}")
Physical soma depth: 589.5191772025167
Current soma coordinates: [382.803 433.69104 118.07384]
We will now offset the neuron such that the soma is at (0, 589.519, 0)
offset = [0, phys_y, 0] - n.soma_pos[0]
array([-382.80300903, 155.82813716, -118.07383728])
Moving or scaling neurons in NAVis is super straight forward: adding, subtracting, dividing or multiplying neurons by a number or an [x, y, z]
vector will change their coordinates:
# Move the neuron to the new centered position
n += offset
# Check the that the soma is now in the correct position
array([ 0. , 589.5191772, 0. ])
That looks good! Let's do it for all neurons:
for n in nl:
phys_y = (1 - n.cell_soma_normalized_depth) * 922.5861720311
offset = [0, phys_y, 0] - n.soma_pos[0]
n += offset
Check that all soma positions are correct:
nl.soma_pos.reshape(-1, 3)
array([[ 0. , 589.5191772 , 0. ],
[ 0. , 348.89501236, 0. ],
[ 0. , 771.06065604, 0. ],
[ 0. , 476.9491058 , 0. ],
[ 0. , 649.81775798, 0. ]])
Part II: Plotting#
Now that we have loaded and aligned the neurons, let's recreate a plot similar to those in Figure 4A:
def plot_neurons(to_plot, color="purple", axon_color="magenta", offset=500):
"""Plot all neurons of a given transcriptomic type.
neurons : NeuronList
The aligned neurons to plot.
color : str
The color of the dendrites.
axon_color : str
The color of the axon.
offset : int
The offset between neurons along the x-axis.
fig, ax
The matplotlib figure and axis.
# Offset the neurons along the x-axis so that they don't overlap
to_plot = [n + [offset * i, 0, 0] for i, n in enumerate(to_plot)]
# The SWC files for this dataset include a `label` column which
# indicates the compartment type:
# 1 = soma
# 2 = axon
# 3 = dendrites
# We will use this `label` to color the neurons' compartments.
# Here we define a color palette for the compartments:
compartment_palette = {1: color, 2: axon_color, 3: color}
# Plot the neuron
fig, ax = navis.plot2d(
fc="black", # soma fill color
ec="white", # highlight the soma with a white outline
radius=10, # override the default soma radius
color_by="label", # color by `label` column in node table
len(to_plot) * 2,
), # scale the figure size with the number of neurons
# Add the layer boundaries (top bound for each layer in microns)
layer_bounds = {
"L1": 0,
"L2/3": 115.1112491335,
"L4": 333.4658190171,
"L5": 453.6227158132,
"L6": 687.6482650269,
"L6b": 883.1308910545,
for layer, y in layer_bounds.items():
y = 922.5861720311 - y # flip the y-axis
# Add a dashed line
ax.axhline(y, color="gray", ls="--", lw=1)
# Add the layer name
ax.text(-300, y - 25, layer, color="gray", va="center", size=10)
# Add the bottom bound
ax.axhline(0, color="gray", ls="--", lw=1)
# Set the axis y limits according to the layers
ax.set_ylim(-10, 930)
# Hide axes
return fig, ax
fig, ax = plot_neurons(nl)
That looks close enough. The last bit is to add the little KDE plots for the depth-distribution of cable length!
We're going to be cheap here and simply generate a histogram over the node positions. To make this representative, we should make sure that the number of nodes per unit of cable is homogeneous across neurons. For that we will resample the neurons:
f"Sampling rate (nodes per micron of cable) before resampling: {nl.sampling_resolution.mean():.2f}"
# Resample to 2 nodes per micron
resampled = navis.resample_skeleton(
map_columns="label", # make sure label column is carried over
f"Sampling rate (nodes per micron of cable) after resampling: {resampled.sampling_resolution.mean():.2f}"
Sampling rate (nodes per micron of cable) before resampling: 1.57
Sampling rate (nodes per micron of cable) after resampling: 0.50
Get the combined nodes table:
nodes = resampled.nodes
Now we can plot the distribution of cable lengths for our neurons:
import seaborn as sns
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
# Plot the neurons again, re-using the function we defined above
fig, ax = plot_neurons(nl)
# Add a new axis to the right of the main plot
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
ax_hist = divider.append_axes("right", size=0.75, pad=0.05)
# Add histograms
# For axon:
data=nodes[nodes.label == 2], y="y", ax=ax_hist, color="magenta", linewidth=1.5
# For the rest:
data=nodes[nodes.label != 2], y="y", ax=ax_hist, color="purple", linewidth=1.5
# Add soma positions
soma_pos = nl.soma_pos.reshape(-1, 3)
ax_hist.scatter([0] * len(soma_pos), soma_pos[:, 1], color="black", s=10, clip_on=False)
# Set same axis limits as the main plot
ax_hist.set_ylim(-10, 930)
# Hide axes
We thank Staci Sorensen and Casey Schneider-Mizell from the Allen Institute for Brain Science for helping with extra information and data for this tutorial!
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 10.690 seconds)
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